The app on prescription for sleep disorders - 
your effective tool for a healthy sleep

somnio implements the effective methods of cognitive behavioral therapy into a digital application and are continuously adapted to the individual needs of our users. As an app on prescription, somnio is free of charge.
Tackle your sleep problems
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Junge Ärztin erklärt die Schlaf App somnio
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Handyscreen der Schlaf App somnio mit den verschiedenen Modulen

What is somnio?

somnio is the prescription app for sleep disorders and has been proven to be effective. In no time at all, you will learn effective strategies to help you wake up refreshed and well rested every morning. somnio is the first and so far only app on prescription (DiGA) with permanent approval for treating sleep onset and maintenance disorders. Using somnio is free of charge: All statutory and many private health insurance companies cover the costs for you.

Understand and interpret your sleep problems

Deal with racing thoughts and rumination

Increase your performance and focus throughout the day

Optimize your sleep times

Learn relaxation techniques to fall asleep faster

How does somnio work?

Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is recommended as first treatment method for adult insomnia patients by the German Sleep Society (DGSM). somnio was developed on the basis of this form of therapy. In the course of your CBT-I training, you learn, among other things, to establish sleep-conducive habits, optimise your personal sleep times and replace dysfunctional attitudes regarding sleep with more sleep-promoting ones.

The aim of somnio is to reduce the severity of patients' insomnia symptoms.

Further information on somnio's approach
2 Handyscreens der somnio Schlaf App für besseren Schlaf

Who is somnio suitable for?

somnio can help people suffering from sleep onset and sleep maintenance disorders that either have no immediate access to treatment due to healthcare gaps or prefer digital treatment.
More information for patients
Arzt erklärt Patientin die Funktionsweise der somnio App für besseren Schlaf
sehr stark
Positive Symptome

Mach den Selbsttest

Fragst du dich, ob bei dir vielleicht eine Insomnie vorliegen könnte? Mit unserem Test bei Schlafstörungen kannst du herausfinden, ob deine Schlafschwierigkeiten auf eine Insomnie hindeuten könnten.
Jetzt testen

How to prescribe somnio as an app on prescription?

If a patient suffering from difficulty falling and staying asleep, is diagnosed with insomnia, the somnio app can be prescribed for treatment by all physicians and psychotherapists (including telemedicine providers such as Doktor.De, Teleclinic or Avimedical) by issuing either a health insurance prescription (sample 16) or a proof of diagnosis.

More information about the prescription process

How to get your prescription as fast as possible

On site appointment Online appointment
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Find a Physician

Find a physician near you who can prescribe somnio.

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Online Termin

Über unsere renommierten Partner kannst du dir einen Termin zur Online-Sprechstunde mit einer Fachperson ausmachen.

You already have a prescription?

Send your prescription to your health insurance company now. They will then send you a license code for the app.

You want to save time? Take advantage of our prescription transfer service!
Go to prescription service

Das sagen Nutzer:innen* über somnio

*Zum Schutz der Patinent:innen wurden Beispielfotos und -namen verwendet
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“Ich nutze die Somnio-App seit dem 28.01.2023 auf Krankenkassen-Rezept und habe heute das erste Mal durchgeschlafen!”
“... ich bin über 60 und habe zwar beruflich etwas mit Technik zu tun, aber wer Probleme mit eurer App hat, der ist echt überhaupt nicht technikaffin oder kann man auch nicht mehr helfen. Wirklich sehr gut die App und das Training, ich bereue nichts!”
“Ihre App hat mir sehr geholfen meine Schlafstörungen im Griff zu bekommen.”
“Nach jahrelanger Schlaflosigkeit, schlafe ich nun wie ein Säugling. ... Ohne die App hätte ich die Bettzeitverkürzung nicht geschafft, sie war eine gute Stütze im Alltag.”
“Zunächst muss ich mal ein Kompliment aussprechen. Ich finde die Diga super und habe auch schon Verbesserungen feststellen können. Ich habe die App auch schon weiterempfohlen.”
“Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, seit 6 Monaten benutze ich somnio und bin sehr zufrieden. Ich mit den Anregungen und Wissen meine Schlafqualität bzw. meine Einschlafproblematik merklich verbessern.”
Bild3 scaled
"Endlich geht es mir besser nach Jahrzehnte langen Schlaf Störungen."
"Es lief sehr gut, perfekt! Vielen Dank, Sie machen einen tollen Job! Mein Leben hat sich dank Somnio deutlich verbessert."

Rund um das Thema Schlaf

Erhalte einen umfassenden Überblick zum Thema Insomnie und die Wirksamkeit von somnio.
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Handy und Laptop mit Screenshots aus der somnio Schlaf App

Back to healthy sleep with somnio?

Tackle your sleep problems now and register here for somnio sleep training. Find the answer for your question.
Get started with somnio
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Questions about the app somnio?

Our experts are happy to answer all the questions you may have about somnio.

You can reach us by phone (Mon. - Fri. from 8.a.m. - 5 p.m.), e-mail and contact form. We respond within 24 hours.


somnio is the first digital health application (DiGA) in the field of sleep medicine that has received a permanent approval by the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM). It can therefore be prescribed by all physicians and psychotherapists in Germany.

somnio can help people suffering from sleep onset and sleep maintenance disorders that either have no immediate access to guideline-compliant treatment due to gaps in healthcare, or simply prefer digital treatment.

somnio is a digital implementation of the methods of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) and thus gives those seeking help access to highly effective treatment methods.

The aim of somnio is to reduce the severity of patients' insomnia symptoms. Insomnia is diagnosed by physicians or psychotherapists.

With the help of the “Sleep Disorder Test” you can find out whether your sleep difficulties point towards insomnia:

Take the Sleep Disorder Test here

somnio is based on the approach of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia. This treatment method is considered the "gold standard" for treating insomnia. The methods of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia are implemented and delivered in a digital format. The various methods each address different aspects of the "vicious cycle of insomnia". Using a variety of modules that include knowledge transfer elements, guided exercises, questionnaires and instructions for sleep and relaxation techniques, somnio focuses on helping you solve your sleep problems in a highly effective and sustainable way.

somnio can be prescribed by physicians or psychotherapists if you have been diagnosed with insomnia. They will issue a prescription which you need to submit to your health insurance company. Your health insurance company will then send you the access code which you need to log in to the app. Alternatively, you can send the prescription directly to us using our prescription transfer service — we will subsequently submit the prescription to your health insurance company and then - as soon as you have received your access code from us - you can finally get started with somnio.

somnio is an approved digital health application (DiGA). This means that it is prescribed exclusively for the treatment of diagnosed insomnia (with symptoms such as difficulty falling asleep and sleeping through the night, and early morning awakenings). The app somnio is a medical device and can only be prescribed by physicians and psychotherapists.

You can get a prescription from a physician or psychotherapist. You can then submit the prescription to your health insurance provider or use our  prescription transfer service. You will then receive an access code so that you can activate and use the app.

As an app on prescription, somnio can be prescribed by physicians and psychotherapists. It's best to ask your family doctor or psychotherapist directly for a prescription for somnio. Alternatively, you can use our tool to find a specialist in your area who can prescribe somnio quickly and easily.


Just download our somnio  information sheet and present it to your physician or psychotherapist. You can further request a somnio info postcard, which we will send to you directly. You can take this postcard to your physician and use it as basis to talk about somnio.

If you have statutory health insurance, your health insurance company will pay the full price for somnio when you submit the prescription you received from your physician or psychotherapist. If you have private or residual cost insurance, you can purchase a license for the digital health application somnio via our secure payment partner. The license is valid for three months and costs 224.99 euros. Please note that you will usually need a prescription or a medical/psychotherapeutic diagnosis confirmation in order to get reimbursement for somnio from your private health insurance provider.

DiGAs are medical devices that are tested and approved by the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM). An app will only be registered as an official DiGAs if a positive healthcare effect can be demonstrated. In the case of somnio this was achieved by a controlled clinical trial (University of Zurich, 2019). This distinguishes somnio from conventional health apps. Officially registered DiGAs can be prescribed by physicians and psychotherapists as an app on prescription to provide people with sleep problems with a quick and easy but also effective treatment solution.

Yes - the efficacy of somnio as a treatment for insomnia was confirmed in an RCT Study conducted by the University of Zurich in 2019. Patients affected by insomnia were randomly assigned to an intervention group with access to somnio and a control group. The insomnia symptoms of patients in the intervention group could be reduced by 50% during the treatment period. Furthermore, the time it took the patients to fall asleep and the time they stayed awake in bed at night has dropped significantly. In contrast, no significant improvements could be detected in the control group. A follow-up survey showed that the treatment effect of somnio remained stable twelve months later.

The protection of your personal data is our top priority. As a DiGA, somnio fully complies with the data protection and information security requirements as stipulated by the General Data Protection Regulation and the Digital Health Applications Ordinance (DiGAV).
This means that your data is processed only on servers hosted in Germany and is neither passed on to third parties nor used for advertising purposes.
The processing of your health data is based on your consent, which can be withdrawn in the app at any time. If you stop using somnio, all of your data will be deleted permanently.